Okay this is a video on u substitution. A little more difficult problem you find in calculus 2 and let’s get started. Here after you buy my program and installed in your calculator, you have to press second alpha to put the I n d e x in here the letters and for push alpha and put the 9 in the open close parentheses. for calculus 2, it’s a 9 there. For calculus 1 its an 8. To get my menu press Enter and all these different options to go you can go up ok we need closer to u so there all alphabetical so I’m going to go up here Notice we have work lifting object, work lifting springs, work putting a shuttle in space, work pumping oil, velocity, vectors, It’s all calculus of course but I do sell physics programs also. everystepphysics.com. We’re gonna press u substitution here. Get into our u substitution program. And we’re going to press alpha before we enter anything in the entry lines in my programs. So we’re gonna push alpha X plus 3 divided by quantity X squared plus 6 times x minus 5 to to the second power. We check our formula to see if we put it in righ. and you have a chance to change if you want. I say it’s okay so press okay and we’re going to evaluate this function integrated. We always rewrite it You put X plus 3, you notice the x plus 3 in the numerator here over the, by the DX because this derivative of what’s inside the parentheses must equal x plus 3 what we just rewrote it over there. And so I checked in my programs if it doesn’t and all hell can break loose. But I say it I see it that equals. We’re into the u of course u to the minus 2 and that’s what in the parentheses because we brought it form the denominator to the numerator. I don’t need to teach, this stuff is for passing tests and doing your homework quickly and not learning it but anyways you you are u integrals. Notice that DU divided by two has to come out. Any time you have a constant fraction or pie or anything, a decimal has to come outside the integrals. So that’s the first thing you do. Put in on here nice and clear with the parentheses. And then you do the integration of -2 which you’re gonna a 1 there, right. So you divide by that same exponent that you found. Here’s the answer. And you substitute back in the what’s in the parentheses at the beginning plus c. Pretty neat, huh? everystepcalculus.com. Go to my site and buy my programs and pass calculus.