So this is a video on the quotient rule as it applies to my fabulous programs
that I’ve programmed on the Titanium or any calulator that uses the ti system and that can do an integral or derivative where my programs can work uhm, there’s so many now that they’re almost overloading the calculator but uhm I’m going to show you this quotient rule works I’m going to turn it on here and get out of this program here and get to the home screen F one eight clears the screen and then we can clear the home entry line by the clear button here you have to put index eight closed parenthesis on here, we do that by going second, here’s second alpha, it makes this dark, therefore you have the letters you can put in letters i n d e x and then alpha again to put in the numbers- number 8 and the closed parenthesis and we’re into my program you’ll notice that this is, you can scroll up with the scroll keys to go up as far as you want, there’s all kinds of things in here product rule quotient rule, difference quotient, limits, trig integrals and derivatives, not everything in a calculus book is in here, but just what I’ve done on tests, and I wanted to pass test, that’s what I did using the calculator uhm, so I’m going to go down to all alphabetical, so, here’s the product rule I showed you in another video, quadratic formula here’s the quotient rule right there, we’re gonna wait for it to load here, ah there it is the quotient rule and you are taking one function and dividing it by another function.and the formula is: g of x times f prime of x minus f of x time g prime of x all divided by g of x squared, that would be fun to do on a test wouldn’t it, from memory, I don’t think so, but maybe anyways much easier with this let’s put something in here we have to put the parenthesis first then put a divide sign in between it as I show you up here, we have to press alpha, and there’s the, we have to put in x squared plus three x divided by uhm let’s say two times x plus five and we have to press it twice, let’s see if we’ve done that, x squared plus three times x over two x plus five, very good and you always have a chance to change my programs or change what you’ve entered in case you’ve made a mistake, that’s always — and so here we go we got the g of x plus f prime of x and g prime of x times f of x, over g of x squared and we work it down here, we work and keep doing the calculations, which you write on your paper, don’t even think about it just write it. write down the next thing, write sloppy. nerds and mathematicians love a to write sloppy and all over the page, you do the same unless you already do that, that’s fine and we have, ahh the answer is two x squared plus ten x + fifteen, all over two x + five squared all step by step, working it step by step ah pretty neat huh? check it out at my web site every step calculus dot com
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